Suicide is a serious public health problem that can have long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities. It never been an actual problem in the middle east for several reasons, we are going to speak about some of them in this article.
Suicide is preventable, but it requires strategies at all levels of institutions and society.
This includes prevention and protective strategies for individuals, families, communities, policies and awareness in different sectors.
The Middle East is a region that faces many challenges, such as war, conflict, poverty, oppression, and stigma. These factors can increase the risk of suicide among the population, especially among women and young people.
However, there is a lack of awareness and resources for mental health and suicide prevention in the region, which makes it difficult to address this issue effectively.
In this article, we will explore the following questions: • Why was suicide not an issue in the past in the Middle East? • Why is it now an issue? • What are the main reasons for suicide in the Middle East? • What is the most affected age category in the Middle East? • What are the possible actions to minimize the suicide cases? • What is a suggestion for an action plan?
Why was suicide not an issue in the past in the Middle East?
Suicide has always been an issue in the Middle East, but it was not reported or recognized as such due to cultural and religious factors.
According to some studies, suicide rates in the region have been underestimated by 20% to 50% due to underreporting and misclassification.
Some of the reasons for this are:
• Suicide is considered a taboo topic and a sin in many religions, especially Islam. This can lead to shame, guilt, and fear of punishment among suicidal individuals and their families.
• Suicide is often attributed to other causes, such as accidents, natural deaths, or illnesses. This can be due to lack of autopsy or forensic investigation, or deliberate concealment by families or authorities.
• Suicide is influenced by social norms and expectations. In some cultures, suicide is seen as a sign of weakness, dishonor, or failure. This can discourage people from seeking help or expressing their suicidal thoughts.
• Suicide is affected by legal and political factors. In some countries, suicide is illegal or punishable by law. This can deter people from reporting or admitting suicide attempts or deaths.
Why is it now an issue?
Suicide is now an issue in the Middle East because of the increasing exposure to stressors and risk factors that can trigger suicidal behavior.
Some of these are:
• War and conflict: The Middle East has been experiencing unrelenting wars and violence for decades, which has resulted in death, displacement, trauma, and loss for millions of people. Wars and conflicts can increase the risk of PTSD, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation among survivors.
• Poverty and unemployment: The Middle East has been facing economic challenges and instability due to political turmoil, sanctions, corruption, and mismanagement. Poverty and unemployment can increase the risk of financial stress, social exclusion, low self-esteem, and suicidal behavior among individuals.
• Oppression and discrimination: The Middle East, in some locations, has been suffering from oppression and discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation. Oppression and discrimination can increase the risk of marginalization, isolation, abuse, violence, injustice, and suicidal behavior among individuals.
• Stigma and lack of resources: The Middle East has been lacking adequate mental health resources and personnel to address the needs of the population. Stigma and lack of resources can increase the risk of underdiagnosis, undertreatment, noncompliance, and suicidal behavior among individuals.
What are the main reasons for suicide in the Middle East?
The main reasons for suicide in the Middle East vary depending on the context, culture, and individual factors of each case.
However, some common themes that have been identified by research are:
• Familial or interpersonal stressors: These include marital problems, divorce, infidelity, domestic violence, family conflict, parental pressure, or loss of a loved one. These stressors can affect one's sense of belonging, security, and support, and can lead to emotional distress, hopelessness, and suicidal behavior.
• Mental health problems: These include depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or substance use disorders. These problems can affect person's mood, cognition, and behavior, and can impair one's ability to cope, solve problems, and seek help. These problems can also increase the risk of suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts.
• Sociocultural factors: These include religious beliefs, cultural norms, gender roles, or social expectations. These factors can affect the person's access to help, support, or resources.
What is the most affected age category in the Middle East?
The most affected age category in the Middle East is difficult to determine due to the lack of reliable data and the variation across countries. However, some studies have suggested that young people (15-29 years old) and middle-aged women (30-49 years old) are more vulnerable to suicide in the region.
Some possible explanations for this are:
• Young people are more exposed to the effects of war, conflict, poverty, unemployment, and social change, which can increase their stress, frustration, and hopelessness. Young people are also more influenced by peer pressure, social media, and globalization, which can affect their identity, believes, values, and aspirations. Young people may also lack adequate coping skills, support systems, or mental health services to deal with their challenges.
• Middle-aged women are more exposed to the effects of oppression, discrimination, violence, and abuse, which can increase their suffering, trauma, and isolation. Middle-aged women are also more influenced by cultural and religious norms, which can limit their autonomy, rights, and opportunities. Middle-aged women may also lack adequate protection, empowerment, or mental health services to deal with their challenges.
What are the possible actions to minimize the suicide cases?
The possible actions to minimize the suicide cases in the Middle East are based on the best available evidence and recommendations from experts and organizations.
These actions include:
• Creating protective environments: This includes reducing access to lethal means in general, and especially among persons at risk of suicide, such as firearms, pesticides, or medications. This can prevent impulsive or fatal suicide attempts and allow time for intervention.
• Improving access and delivery of suicide care: This includes covering mental health conditions in health insurance policies, increasing provider availability in underserved areas, providing rapid and remote access to help, and creating safer suicide care through systems change. This can improve diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and safety of individuals with mental health problems or suicidal behavior.
• Strengthening economic supports: This includes improving household financial security and stabilizing housing for individuals and families who are struggling with poverty and unemployment. This can reduce financial stress and increase social inclusion and well-being.
• Promoting healthy connections: This includes promoting healthy peer norms, engaging community members in shared activities, teaching coping and problem-solving skills, supporting social-emotional learning programs, teaching parenting skills to improve family relationships, and supporting resilience through education programs. This can enhance social support, emotional regulation, self-esteem, and hope among individuals and families.
• Identifying and supporting people at risk: This includes training gatekeepers such as teachers, health workers, religious leaders, or police officers to recognize and respond to suicidal signs and crises among their contacts. This also includes planning for safety and follow-up after an attempt and providing therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy for individuals with suicidal behavior.
What is a suggestion for an action plan?
A suggestion for an action plan is to implement a comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention that involves multiple sectors and stakeholders in the Middle East. This approach should be tailored to the specific needs, challenges, and resources of each country or community in the region.
Some steps for this approach are:
• Conducting a situational analysis of the current state of suicide and its risk factors in the targeted location/region.
• Developing a national or regional strategy or policy for suicide prevention that defines goals, objectives, and indicators.
• Mobilizing resources and partnerships across government, healthcare, education, media, civil society, and other sectors.
• Implementing evidence-based interventions that target multiple levels of prevention (universal, selective, and indicated).
• Monitoring and evaluating the outcomes and impacts of the interventions and adapt the plans accordingly.
• Disseminating and scaling up best practices and lessons learned.
As a conclusion we can say that suicide is a complex phenomenon that requires a multifaceted response. The Middle East is a region that faces many challenges that increase the risk of suicide among its population. However, there are also opportunities and solutions that can reduce this risk and promote resilience and well-being. By working together at all levels, starting from your own house, sharing good relationship and love with your family, installing the principle of human values and importance, being open and listen to your close people without blaming, but provide support and link with professionals for support, we can prevent suicide and save lives of the people who need our support.
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