Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is an essential component of humanitarian and development interventions, as it addresses the psychological and social needs of people affected by crises, conflicts, or chronic hardships.
MHPSS can also contribute to the achievement of other sectoral outcomes, such as health, education, protection, nutrition, shelter, and camp management.
Therefore, integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming is a strategic and effective way to enhance the quality and impact of humanitarian and development responses.
However, integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming is not always easy or straightforward. It requires coordination and collaboration among different actors, adaptation and contextualization of interventions, and measurement and evaluation of results.
In this article, we will explore some of the challenges and opportunities of integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming and provide some examples from different contexts.
Challenges in implementation:
Challenges of integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming Some of the common challenges that may hinder the integration of MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming are:
• Lack of awareness and understanding of MHPSS concepts, principles, and standards among sectoral staff and partners.
• Lack of capacity and skills to implement MHPSS interventions among sectoral staff and partners.
• Lack of coordination and referral mechanisms among different sectors and MHPSS actors.
• Lack of resources and funding for MHPSS interventions within sectoral budgets.
• Lack of evidence and tools to measure the outcomes and impact of MHPSS interventions within sectoral indicators.
Opportunities for integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming:
Some of the potential opportunities that may facilitate the integration of MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming are:
• Using existing frameworks and guidelines that provide guidance and recommendations for integrating MHPSS into different sectors, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) "Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings", or the Save the Children MHPSS Cross-Sectoral Strategic Framework in Humanitarian Settings.
• Building on existing platforms and networks that promote coordination and collaboration among different sectors and MHPSS actors, such as the Global Protection Cluster (GPC), the Global Education Cluster (GEC), or the Mental Health & Psychosocial Support networks.
• Leveraging existing resources and tools that support the implementation and evaluation of MHPSS interventions within different sectors, such as training manuals, field reports, case studies, webinars, or online courses.
• Advocating for the inclusion of MHPSS interventions within sectoral policies, strategies, plans, budgets, and indicators.
Examples of integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming.
Some examples of how MHPSS can be integrated into different sectors and areas of work:
• Health: Integrating mental health care into primary health care services, such as screening for mental health conditions, providing psychosocial counseling, or referring to specialized services. For example, in Lebanon, International Medical Corps (IMC) trained primary health care staff to deliver mental health care using the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP).
• Education: Integrating psychosocial support into formal or non-formal education activities, such as providing safe and stimulating learning environments, promoting life skills and resilience among learners, or supporting teachers' well-being. For example, in Syria, Save the Children implemented a Healing and Education through Art (HEART) program that used art-based activities to help children cope with stress and trauma.
• Protection: Integrating psychosocial support into protection activities, such as providing individual or group counseling for survivors of violence or abuse, facilitating community-based support groups or networks, or raising awareness on mental health and psychosocial issues. For example, in Iraq, UNICEF supported psychosocial support services for children affected by armed conflict through child-friendly spaces.
• Nutrition: Integrating psychosocial support into nutrition activities, such as providing maternal mental health care during antenatal or postnatal visits, promoting positive parent-child interactions during feeding sessions, or addressing emotional or behavioral issues related to eating disorders. For example, in Ethiopia, Action Against Hunger integrated maternal mental health care into its nutrition program using the Thinking Healthy Approach.
• Shelter & Settlements: Integrating psychosocial support into shelter and settlements activities, such as involving beneficiaries in the design and construction of shelters or settlements, ensuring privacy and security for vulnerable groups, or creating spaces for social interaction and recreation. For example, in Nepal, CARE integrated psychosocial support into its shelter program after the 2015 earthquake by providing information on coping strategies, facilitating community meetings, or organizing cultural events.
• Camp Coordination & Camp Management (CCCM): Integrating psychosocial support into camp coordination and camp management activities, such as conducting participatory assessments of the mental health and psychosocial needs and resources of camp residents, ensuring access to MHPSS services or referrals, or supporting community mobilization and empowerment. For example, in Bangladesh, IOM integrated psychosocial support into its CCCM program for Rohingya refugees by establishing community centers, conducting psychosocial first aid, or organizing recreational activities.
Integrating MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming is a promising and beneficial approach to address the psychological and social needs of people affected by crises, conflicts, or chronic hardships, and to enhance the quality and impact of humanitarian and development responses. However, it also poses some challenges and requires some strategies and actions to overcome them. By using existing frameworks, guidelines, platforms, networks, resources, and tools, and by learning from the experiences of others, we can integrate MHPSS into cross-sectoral programming more effectively and efficiently.
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